Social Media


Keep it original.

When it comes to social media, it’s extremely common for businesses to spend a lot of money on agencies or outside sources to manage their profiles but receive little to no return on investment, especially when it comes to leads. Let’s get one thing straight, organic social media (no paid advertisements) is not a lead-generating tool. But when used strategically to share the right information, it’s a great platform for brand awareness and building a community.

The best type of social content is...

Social media platforms are a great way to connect with your audience, engage with your community, and share information from your business that is valuable to those following along. “But what should I post on social media?” you may ask. Self-generated content, including blog posts, are an easy win all around. Users are interested in the answers to those questions, your blogs drive traffic back to your website, and these blogs will help establish you as a thought leader in your industry.