Refresh LED – SEO Blogs
Refresh LED is a Central Pennsylvania based business that provides LED products to churches, event venues, and other organizations throughout the country. I work with the team at Refresh to develop monthly SEO blogs that provide prospects and leads with helpful information they’re searching for online. You can check out their blog posts here!
Homecare Precision – Website Copy
Homecare Precision is a newer brand that came to market with their website in the fall of 2021. I got to help the owners craft their messaging from scratch for the website through multiple interviews and much competitive research. All website copy was written by me and handed off to my partners at Jump Creative […]
Sage Cafe – Website Copy
I had the opportunity to help develop the website for Sage Cafe, a new restaurant in downtown Carlisle, PA. I worked with the client through interviews to understand the cafe’s offerings, brand voice, and story. All website copy was written by me and handed off to my partners at Jump Creative for design. You can […]
Shoot Indoors – Brand Development
Shoot Indoors KOP is a new indoor shooting range in the Phildelphia area that I have had the pleasure of helping bring to market. From website copy and helpful resources on their blog to event descriptions, emails, and brochures, much of the brand’s content has been crafted by me and the marketing team at SI. […]
Roast-A-Matic – SEO Blogs
Roast-A-Matic by Schnupp’s Grain Roasters is a client that is always keeping me on my toes. Researching content in a market that has little information out there for consumers means conversations with the client to produce quality materials are frequent and the opportunity to dominate search terms is extensive. You can view out blog posts […]
Fresh Habits – Overarching Marketing Support
I have the pleasure of working with Holly Mann, owner of Fresh Habits, on monthly blog posts, articles for Susquehanna Style magazine, email marketing, and website copy. You can view our recent blog posts here! You can check out our Susquehanna Style articles here! And you can see an example of Holly’s service page website […]
How Launch Kits showcases clients through social media
Who is Launch Kits Launch Kits is a website design company based out of Columbia, PA. Launch Kits helps small businesses get websites up and running – that are both beautiful and smart. Helping small businesses crush the website game Launch Kits, originally Sparrow Websites, has been helping small businesses launch websites site 2016 with […]
Small Business Partners That are Worth Their Services (and way more affordable than you might think)
As a small business owner, we know that a one-man/woman-show can’t always do it all. We wear many hats and often times do a great job of juggling multiple roles. A lot of business owners have to by necessity. But we can limit our business growth by trying to handle everything ourselves. A specific aspect […]
How To Create A Free Google My Business Profile This Week
If you’re unfamiliar with Google My Business (GMB), allow me to get you up to speed. You’ve probably seen or used a business’s GMB in the past but didn’t know that’s what it is referred to. GMB profiles are the business profiles that pop up on the right-hand side of Google search results. Here is […]
This formula will help you write viral blogs
Have you ever wondered how a blog goes viral? Does it have to be a popular, well-known writer creating the content or perhaps someone with a large social media following? Absolutely not. With this formula, you can be writing viral blogs by next week. Of course, your content needs to be accurate and engaging, but […]